Meteoprog vremenske storitve

Združujemo vremenske podatke in tehnologijo, da bi državam, podjetjem in ljudem pomagali bolje reševati z vremenom povezane izzive. METEOPROG omogoča spremljanje meteoroloških informacij po vsem svetu.
Vreme napovedujemo že več kot 20 let
Odlična natančnost izračunov
Lastne rešitve in modeli napovedi
Meteoprog vam bo pomagal oceniti vliv vremena in najti najboljše rešitve
170 držav
Natačna napoved za katerokoli lokacijo v 170 državah
Vreme API
Možnost povezovanja vremenskih podatkov s spletnim mestom ali mobilno aplikacijo
Vremenska napoved v več kot 150 tisoč naseljih
WRF model
Napovedovanje na podlagi modela WRF in lastnega razvoja
75 let
Vremenski arhiv - zgodovinski podatki po vsem svetu za zadnjih 75 let
od 2003
Programsko opremo za računalniško modeliranje vremenskih napovedi nenehno izboljšujemo že 20 let.
Prednosti izdelkov in tehnologije
Odlični kazalniki natančnosti napovedi v kombinaciji z visokimi zahtevami glede znanstvene baze in računalniške moči.
Natančna vremenska napoved
  • Temelji na lastnem razvoju in naprednih modelih napovedovanja.
  • Hitri, zanesljivi in zelo natančni vremenski podatki
  • Vremenske karte, vremenski grafi, meteogrami in še veliko več
Vremenski kazalniki
  • Veliko število kazalnikov: temperatura, padavine, veter, tlak, UV-indeks in številni drugi.
  • Vremenska napoved za danes, jutri, teden, mesec in celo leto
Sprejemajte učinkovitejše odločitve
  • Izboljšajte poslovno uspešnost v panogah, kot so logistika, energetika, kmetijstvo, šport, zabava in druge.
  • Najboljša poslovna rešitev - hiter in zanesljiv vremenski API
About the METEOPROG project

The METEOPROG project is one of the first weather site projects that appeared in Ukraine. The project provides its users with real-time access to detailed information on weather conditions and weather forecasts in more than 150,000 cities and towns around the world for more than 15 years.

METEOPROG.COM is the global version of the METEOPROG project, which contains detailed information on weather conditions and weather forecasts in more than 150,000 cities and towns.

Weather forecast data are presented on our website in the form of forecast maps, meteograms and tables, which give a complete picture of the weather situation in populated areas for the coming weeks.

Scientific base

The basis for calculating weather forecast data is the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) numerical weather forecast model. It is installed on a high-performance computer cluster. Our servers process data from weather stations at tens of thousands of points around the Earth every hour. This makes it possible to make the most accurate forecast for any settlement in more than 170 countries of the world.

Excellent forecast accuracy rates are combined with high demands on the scientific base and computing power. It makes the WRF model a highly effective tool. It differs favorably from most other types of forecasts, which are built on the basis of global weather models.

The detailing of the WRF calculation grid of the METEOPROG project is 27x27 km on the plains, and 9x9 km in mountainous and coastal areas. This makes it possible to obtain the most accurate forecast in places where weather changes can be significant even in the nearest points (for comparison, the step of the forecast grid is 112 km in ​ global weather models).

Ivan Kovalec
I.W. Kovalets.
METEOPROG's chief expert in numerical forecasting of weather and atmospheric pollution is the leading researcher of the Ukrainian State University of Applied Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Computer forecasting is carried out by the software complex owned by METEOPROG (STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED company) and developed by project specialists in cooperation with the Ukrainian Center for Environmental and Water Projects (UCEWP) of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine.

UCEWP was founded in 1999 by the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine and employees of the Institute of Problems of Mathematical Machines and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a scientific, engineering and information center specializing in the development of software decision support systems for weather forecasting, hydrological regime of rivers and floods, dynamics of the coastal zone of the sea, environmental pollution, radiation safety, environmental management, water systems management).

Specialists of the center are involved in large-scale projects on mathematical modeling of the environment together with leading scientific centers of the EU, the USA and other countries, thanks to which UCEWP has a high international reputation.

METEOPROG's chief expert in numerical forecasting of weather and atmospheric pollution is the leading researcher of the Ukrainian State University of Applied Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences I.W. Kovalets. (Google Scholar).


We do not stand still and are constantly developing. The mathematical model used to calculate the weather forecast is constantly improved and refined by our specialists. This allows to increase the number of coverage cities, as well as to improve the accuracy of weather forecasts, including in such complex areas as the coast of seas and oceans, as well as in mountainous terrain.

Today, METEOPROG regional projects are working in more than 50 countries of Europe and the world. We support a special localization for each country with more convenient navigation in the country of the base and the most detailed forecasts and weather maps for this territory.

We are always ready to receive comments, suggestions and criticism from our users regarding our products and usability. We welcome all your comments and wishes at the address:

Meteoprog storitve
Z zagotavljanjem vremenskih podatkov in na njih temelječih rešitev pomagamo izboljšati kakovost življenja in poslovno učinkovitost ter zmanjšati tveganja, povezana z vremenskimi spremembami.
Vremenska napoved
Stalno se izboljšujemo in si prizadevamo, da bi bile naše storitve še vrsto let najboljše na svetu. Prepričajte se, da boste našli najnatančnejšo napoved za svojo lokacijo.
Vremenski pripomoček
Namestitev obvestil na svoje spletno mesto je dokaj hiter in preprost postopek.
Vremenski API
Pridobivanje vremenskih podatkov prek vmesnika. To je priložnost za začetek lastne vremenske storitve.
Zgodovinski podatki
Podatki, ki jih zbira Meteoprog, omogočajo razumevanje sprememb vremena skozi čas in napovedovanje vremenskih sprememb v prihodnjih dneh, mesecih in celo letih.